>> you don't have to look like a member of the taliban. are you out of razors? >> the man shows up at white house looking like a muslim. he speaks pashto, thanks allah. >> that got ugly fast. >> declaring the muslim victory call. >> his dad was no prized possession. >> this father and this son, they worsened -- >> don't criticize the parents. >> reportedly grew a beard in an effort to win sympathy to the son's captors. >> if you gave him a bandanna and a duck, you'd like him just [ bleep ] fine! >> good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. why the family? why has the family become the target of this entire ordeal? well, a couple of nights ago on the broadcast i said that, well, republicans really have no boundaries. and they have proven it again and again. just when you think republicans can't sink any lower, they do.