keeping it real. this is actually real. if you would have told me about this, i wouldn't have believed you. you have video of an amazing lightning strike. >> it's pretty cool. you got to listen to it first and then we'll explain what happened. that's debris. this is a storm chaser in south dakota. he's out there. the end of the day, a rainbow in the background. and then out of nowhere, this cloud of round of lightning strikes. you can see the puff of smoke. now, it didn't hit the car, it hit right next to it. what you saw flying in the air was the actual asphalt. that's the spot where the lightning hit. it literally turned it into charcoal and even took a chunk out of the pavement. there's a good reason why we tell everyone to stay indoors. i want to till, you know our kids we put them in music classes and everything? >> of course. >> how about cute little otters. look at these guys. the small otters at the