tuesday's round of primaries, but did so if part by adopting positions at odds with the long-term need to broaden the party support and move away from lit must test issues. a wide range of republicans see the party courting the same disaster it did in 2012, playing a base game that will keep it shut out of the white house. we've been talking about this for months and months and months. but it does seem that while on the one hand they won, maybe perhaps won the battle, they're still not in a good position to win the war. >> it's going to be hard for them, but now's the test. now that the primaries are winding down, they have nobody pulling them to the right anymore, will they moderate on issues like immigration, even allow little issues like allowing dreamers to become citizens in they're in the middle, allowing that to come to a vote. mcconnell on friday held a press conference, he was asked about repealing obamacare and went on a spiel, but then when asked about the exchange, he said, do you want to repeal the exchange, he said, that's unrelated to my