are. there isn't anybody in libya, they ought to leave them alone about benghazi. it's sillry. when we decided to go to war in iraq, i was in montana. i was one of the democrats saying this is crazy. this is outrageous. this doesn't make any sense. when i was governor in montana, i went to those funerals. >> i love the way you talk. i agree with you on a lot of this stuff. in fact, most of it. let me ask you about running for president. would anything stop you at this point that you can see, stop you from running for the democratic nomination. what would stop you? >> i've run it -- this is going to sound quaint, but i've run it by my family, and i can't anybody in my family, my kids, my wife, any of my brothers and sisters who think it's a good idea. because listen, politics are really tough on families. and everywhere they go, and