grab me, bam i got him. i took him down. i had a mechanical pencil, i like boom, i poke your eye out. do not move! >> haywood has yet to be tried on the resulting charge of agra vaithed assault with bodily injury but plans to plead not guilty on grounds of self-defense. she admits, however, that her temper is hard to control. >> you start to feel yourself bubbling up. you start to feel that hot anger just boiling inside of you like you're going to explode. and you tell yourself you can control it. you tell yourself, i can control this. i'm not going to hurt nobody. but when it actually comes time to do it, like, bam, you just hit somebody. it's like a reflex. they might say one wrong word to you, bam, you hit them. >> officer laura was also a victim of haywood's temper. >> the day that erica assaulted me, i was just doing my observation rounds. and passing out mail like i