and i'm not convinced it will happen, i think there would be -- certainly would be attempts made. i mean, how many votes are we up to? 50 votes to repeal it? but i would hope that they would see the value that millions of americans are seeing. actually seeing not just 6 million people coffvered, but a lot of protection in place for people who already had coverage. until a couple of years ago, the insurance companies had awesome power over people's health care and even their lives in some circumstances. it was only a couple years ago where children with preexisting condition who had parents paying their premiums and could not get coverage for that child. so tremendous advancements and i would hope republicans would see the value to families and see the value to better health care. and the provisions that over time are beginning to reduce cost. >> i want to switch gears to something i know very important to you. this week, the senate will begin debating the unemployment benefits extension.