they will try to stick it to each and every one of you with the most charges as possible. but remember, they've got to prove the charges. they've got the burden of proof. i know it's a waiting game and the days drag in here. time waits for no one. it ticks along but in here it drags. so, you got to really man up now, you know, and hold your own and don't break and stay strong. okay? >> it pisses me off where we're all being held accountable for these actions. but new jersey state law is new jersey state law, you know? >> all right? hang in there. you're going to be okay. >> thanks for coming. if i'm guilty, i'm guilty. i'll take the best deal they can give me. you know what i mean? coming up -- >> i had open wounds. i still do. four times in my stomach, three times in my pelvic. >> robert leonardes speaks out. then -- >> i don't have to take it. i can rip it up.