senior officials leaking this information, that's really upset the malaysians to begin with, but this information really isn't vetted. the fact that this turn was supposedly conducted or at least initiated and executed by the fms system, it could have been done also by just the autopilot head itself. the fms system is the guidance system. you program in your route of flight and in this case it would have been to beijing. it would have had to have been reprogrammed and executed for this turn to occur. the turn was only about a 20 degree bank. that would have been a standard bank rate for an automated turn, whether it's the autopilot or the fms directing the autopilot to make that change. >> so just to slow down that point because "the new york times" and several news outlets are going big with this, what you're saying is even according to the information released it wouldn't necessarily require the kind of personal diversion of the pilot? >> it will require a pilot to have intervented. they're going to have to execute the fms. they'll have to reprogram it,