had to tell your kids at the age of ten that you were never coming home? >> that wouldn't be good. >> huh? >> that wouldn't be good. >> i know. so that's what happened to you. >> well, i'm trying to find a way to get this thing done. it's not easy. it's not going to be an easy path forward. >> immigration reform is not easy. that's boehner's excuse for not doing anything, lee? >> it's not difficult at all, al. you know and you mentioned the polls where the majority of americans believe that we need comprehensive immigration reform. boehner is standing in the way of a house vote. let the congress people vote on comprehensive immigration reform. if he lets them do that, i'm convinced that it will pass. they'll work with the senate. and we would have done a great thing, a great thing by enabling those 11 million people and their 8 million folks and their