congress, why not at thanksgiving dinner? >> look, what i would say, the affordable care act, it requires insurance plans to cover a really significant number of benefits. these are some things that aren't covered now in a lot of individual market plans. such as ma teternity care, 1/3 plans don't cover. i think the more accurate critique of obama care. one you do see happening is that it requires people to pay more, and also get more. it is really hard to see where an are gaumegument about peopleg less comes in. i would add, paying more. people will be getting subsidies to pay higher premiums. bit of a balancing act. as crystal points out. this is a great opportunity to say, okay, where -- in the affordable care act does it out out -- does it cut the benefits. you may get into death panel territory. easy to shoot down. there are not death panels in the affordable care act. hard to find basis in the affordable care act, there are less benefits. a conservative rallying point.