distanced himself from it. "i'm not crazy about this approach," is essentially what he said. which is saying something that george w. bush is going to speak to these people. >> yes, i agree. and i thought that was really interesting that ralph phrased it that way. he clearly was not endorsing or giving bush a pass on this. i think that reed realized that this is extremely controversial to the jewish community, far more controversial than an evangelical christian witnessing to a jewish person or to any non-christian person. i think, you know, he was talking about how jewish people should be accepting and understanding, that this is part of the evangelical faith. and i think that by and large, the jewish community is accepting of that, as long as it doesn't cross constitutional lines. >> it's identifying as jewish. i want to play just a little bit of the mission statement from the ministers of the messianic jewish bible institute. take a listen. >> as the blindness comes off of the jewish people in the days