get involved. i'm not sure that north carolina republicans expected this level of outrage and pushback to what they have done. there is an incredible level of outrage and pushback that is now being made manifest every day. and if you want to talk about really interesting and really unpredi unpredictable, consider what happened today in washington, d.c. today one of the top republicans in the house, james sensenbrenner of wisconsin, republican, said he personally intends to resurrect the aforementioned voting rights act gutted by the supreme court earlier this year. congressman sensenbrenner, again, a republican, said that not only does that law need to come back, it needs to come back soon. >> i am committed to restoring the voting rights act as an effective tool to prevent discrimination. more subtle discrimination than overdiscrimination. my job is to fix the voting rights act. now, the first thing we have to do is take the monkey wrench