>> fighting mad. in that larger than expected crowd last night in the governor's hometown of charlotte. the protest movement in north carolina is promising enough now. promising enough to people who are fighting against what the republicans have been doing in that state. that our guest last night on this show, nine term state senator ellie kinnaird, she announced yesterday she is quitting the state senate at 81 years of age, after 16 years of service, she is quitting the senate. she's 81 years old but not quitting because she wants to retire. she's not retiring. she's not quitting in protest of the new voter i.d. law or in protest of any of the other things republicans have done. ellie kinnaird is instead resigning to fight, to work full time outside the system with the people who have been turning out for all of these protests all over the state. dovetailing with this now very interesting, very energized fight in north carolina is new news today from national democrats. that they plan a 50-state strategy.