and every place else being able to know what's going on and be able to affirm to us it's legitimate. if he says dozens, i want leahy to say show me the dozens so he can come out tomorrow or maybe on friday and say listen, i have checked on this. i can tell you this. i'll bring the republicans in. >> that's that we call checks and balances. >> that's what you need. >> that's absolutely right. >> and one problem is over the years, we haven't had that sort of oversight from congress. we haven't had people in the white house who have welcomed that sort of oversight. >> committees on intelligence, do you like dianne feinstein? is she good enough? >> she did a good report on torture 6,000 pages that the cia is still sitting on. i'd like to see that report. >> thank you joe klein. and david corn. up next, new york mayor mike bloomberg calls out democrats who voted no on gun legislation telling donors to put their donations elsewhere. this is "hardball," the place for politics. ♪