change the head. he's going to have to put these -- and this is brilliant on roger's part -- these female breasts which everybody thought wow, that's the kind of detail nobody could make that up. it's so credible and believable. >> well, the check arrived and i sent the suit out to him. he called me back and said, listen, you can see the zipper in the back of the suit. i said well, that's easy to overcome. get a hair brush. brush it back and forth across the zipper. that was the last i heard from him. >> until he sees his suit on tv. >> i told my wife come here. you want to see this. she walks in and said oh, look. there's our gorilla suit. >> morris keeps quiet about his involvement hoping that patterson would talk about making the film. >> i didn't say anything to anybody because i thought our market was for magicians. it would be unethical to sell him a costume and then tell the audience it's a gorilla suit.