motivations. hair passion and decisionmaking. many indicates sometimes, you know, they have their rehearsed answers so if you can look for the narrative of why they made certain decisions, why did you decide to move industries, what made you take this promotion, what did you learn from that experience, you know, a great candidate will use that to show you what they care about and how they think and very thoughtful answers. some red flags may be very big answers and can point to a lack of critical decisionmaking skills or self-awareness. >> i like that. big, open-ended questions. >> it creates more personality as well. you give someone a chance to say i was looking for this. and i was excited about, you know, this other thing and -- i think it is much -- really takes it to a level beyond what did you do at your last job and why were you successful. >> be specific. specific about the questions or specific about what you are trying to draw out? >> be very specific about what you are trying to draw out up can't go into every single thing in the resume in detail. they can be very helpful to focus in on a project, experience, and ask questions