think it was, two years ago now, three years ago now. and there were four republicans in the state senate that went along. and the business community rallied behind them. they said, we want this too. and two lost their primaries. there was a consequence for the very few republicans in new york state who came out and said, i'm for this. they did pay a price for it. >> those were weak candidates, though. that's a good example, but there's a lot more to that than just the gay marriage vote. i haven't seen it yet where anybody's really paying a price. a lot of these peep are paper tigers. >> so what's the culture like -- so we think of illinois, you know, mark kirk, a moderate republican senator and big jen thompson, moderate republican -- you have a moderate republican tradition. but is there a growing -- the movement that pushed you out, are conservatives a lot more powerful than they were a decade ago? >> let's go back even further. the land of lincoln an an abolitionist party. we ran on the principles, equality of application of law