reed is a volunteer paramedic who allegedly gave the materials to a friend who then contacted a local sheriff. a homeowner in port angeles, washington, is accused of going on a rampage with a bulldozer-like vehicle. get this, to get even with his feuding neighbors. really? he's accused of destroying two homes, damaging two others, and knocking out power to thousands. he was arrested for malicious mischief. and a school bus driver in central florida is accused of encouraging two teenage girls to fight, and even, listen to this, took them to her home so they could fight some more. she's been fired and is facing several charges, including child abuse, and those are your fast five headlines. now to cleveland where the last of the three women kidnapped in cleveland is now out of the hospital. after over a decade of just horrific captivity. knight was rescued monday, michelle knight, along with amanda berry and gina dejesus.