getting so much hype. the point just made, they might be the first to play in a game when they come out and that would be dramatically different. somebody can still be the first to break that barrier. >> well the thing that we make a point, the distinction here is that britney greiner, who has gone pro came out, openly as a lesbian. she's going to be playing, but it's different when we think of females coming out to the male sports world, rick, do you think that that's, that that creates the dichotomy here, the big difference? britney did make a landmark reveal, so to speak just a couple of weeks ago. >> well, you know, men sometimes freak out at the thought of homosexual men, that's true. but look, i mean last night at the correspondents' dinner, conan o'brien made a joke about it, right? he said see your waiter if you want to order dessert or if you want to a support for gay marriage. like i say, the floodgates have opened. a year ago we might be wondering what all the big fuss was about.