articles headlined, "u.s. risks isolation, breakdown of old alliances in case of war." "u.s. lacks specifics on banned arms." "u.s. misstepped led to failed diplomacy." this is an amazing story and a tragic un. david corn was a skeptic of the war before, during, and after. joan walsh was news editor at salon in the lead up to the war and also a war skeptic. both are msnbc's analysts. joan, you've been in editing, and this is the same thing that you've got bill keller saying and the same thing that the media critic or media writer for "the washington post," admitting now, and it's way too late, that the placement of the story is for more pizazz or embedding, whatever you want to call it, joining the troops. but none of the good edward r. murrah reporting that we later came that we identify with murrah was critical journalism, not rah-rah journalism. >> right. that stuff was there, chris, but it was really hidden. and paul fari's piece is really good, but there was a line that said the press wasn't a success, but it wasn't a failure either. it made me think about kids'