tried to impact our national election by funding mitt romney, by funding other folk along the way, that makes his business dealings and his political interests of national interest for us, and so i hope people will ask mr. romney to answer for this but i also hope we press the sort of exploration and investigation of this to get to the bottom of it. >> this is not the last we're going to hear of the great mitt romney, john, because as you know he will be speaking this friday at about 1:00 p.m. at a very important gathering of conservatives at cpac. do you think conservatives themselves are going to give him a warm reception given that many people have suggested that he was responsible for a diss a at thissous presidential campaign, that he encouraged the party to appear stupid, and that clearly it wasn't a success for him? >> i think there will be polite golf applause. >> golf applause. >> remember, mitt romney was viewed with suspicion by conservatives in the last election. they didn't trust him. they didn't think he was one of them so much so that herman cain