pain, the sorrow. that was all real. >> all right. so meanwhile, espn is reporting a source close to te'o has produced phone records showing more than 1,000 calls totalling more than 500 hours between te'o and the phone number belonging to his supposed girlfriend that was in the four months before she was said to have died. and the front page of the "new york daily news" and a story that's elsewhere, suggesting that the phone calls he made were to a man using a woman's voice and that te'o, we are supposed to believe, thought it was a woman. but it was a man talking in a lady voice. brian shactman, your analysis. >> get me far away from that. >> well, it leaves two fundamental things for me. one is, you still don't know how somebody could have a relationship for two-plus years and not meet that person. that still remains an unanswered question. and also, i go to the business side of it. this guy was going to be the