ways his political capital that's been the most urt hurt by this institution? >> chris, i'm assuming you're making reference to, perhaps if first two years the president was in washington and in the white house where the filibuster conversation was not central to his agenda and to the debate. i point you toward the statements that have been made in the last few weeks and months by white house spokes people by the president himself, about how the american people rendered a verdict on this kind of inaction back on november 6th. it's pretty clear we need action and movement in the united states senate on the dream act, on jobs, on all of the important reforms. >> nominations. >> nominations, right now, there are 19 judicial nominations that are sitting in front of the senate, many with bipartisan support that just aren't moving because of this kind of paralysis and the white house is firmly behind the actions of senator reed and the leadership of senator udall. >> and have you talked to the white house? >> yes. every time the president has come before us in terms of a retreat or anything else he's been very strong about -- we've