when you look at the country -- >> countries like spain and italy -- >> i'm talking about the labor market adjustments. >> they have seen 20%. that's a problem. >> i'm sorry. i didn't hear -- what did you say? >> spain, italy, unemployment around 15, 20%. >> of course they do. >> juliet, hang on, because it is connected to the german point. part of the reason that germany has been able to have export-led growth and be so successful internally, germany is the china of europe. >> i realize that. i made that point about 20 minutes ago. you add shock at the beginning. i'm not talking about the later stage of austerity and self-imposed pain, which is what europe is dealing with right now. but if you look at the ocb adjustment to the downturn and the u.s. has a huge g and p adjustment and loss of unemployment where a lot of