something that we're not sure he fully, frankly, understood. which is that nobody is required to join a union. quite the opposite under law. >> congressman dingell and conyer say they tried to explain to the governor that people won't lose their jobs if they don't pay union dues. the meeting might not have helped. the governor said this moments after the congressional press conference was held. >> michigan workers are hard-working people. and shouldn't they be able to make the choice to say they see value in the union? and again, hopefully it would make the unions more accountable and work harder to show the workers the value proposition as to why they should pay. >> governor snider is set to sign the bill tomorrow to make michigan the 24th state to become a right to work state. senator carl levin called this a tipping point. the president calls it a race to the bottom. >> we don't want a race to the bottom. we want a race to the top.