that's a lot of time when i cut myself. i get mad and angry and want to hurt something, i'll turn on myself. >> but some inmates act on anger by lashing out on others. >> inside, inside, close the door. >> an assault has just occurred inside "f" dorm. the victims are isp staff members robert taylo -- >> [ bleep ]. >> -- and james cadwell. >> a man was getting moved out to get fired from his job, was getting moved out. somebody blamed him for that. we were getting ready to leave and he jumped him. i tried breaking it up and got hit, too. >> you okay, jimmy? >> yeah, i'm fine. >> nitro? >> i put one under his tongue already and he's got them in his right pocket if you need more. >> taylo is 68 years old and has a history of heart problems. >> mr. taylo, we'd like to bring you back to the hospital building, okay? >> whatever. >> one, two, three.