legislation that is an effective ban on abortion. >> erin, you followed this story in dublin. what does it mean to america as we're hearing with the ohio republicans are pushing and we're hearing some of the rhetoric from the republicans, what does that dublin story say here? >> the tragedy is that, in fact, what happened with the story with savita is happening in the united states and other countries. if you have the misfortune to miscarry at a catholic hospital, you're subject to an administrative ethics committee that tries to say that they have to do everything as long as there is a fetal heartbeat except induce an abortion. >> that's now. >> that's now. >> in the united states. >> catholic hospitals have that directive. there have been studies that ask doctor what is do you do in that circumstance if a woman is starting to bleed to death. most of the time rather than wait for the administrative committee they transfer her somewhere else even if she's not in a stable condition. if you're unlucky enough to end