governor bobby jindal. let's listen. >> i absolutely reject that notion, that description. i think that's absolutely wrong. that is not -- i don't think that represents where we are as a party and where we're going as a party. and i think that has got to be one of the most fundamental takeaways from this election. >> that's one good sign that a little republican diversity doesn't hurt. because some people can hear what this guy romney is saying. wisconsin governor scott walker backed up jindal's comments saying "the gop isn't just for people who are currently not dependent on the people, it's for all americans." and today, by the way, on "andrea mitchell reports" republican senator kelly ayotte from new hampshire distanced herself also from romney's gifts comment. let's listen to the senator. >> so you're not comfortable with what you heard him say? >> i don't know the full context of them, but i don't agree with the comments, and my view is the campaign is over. >> okay. and as of only -- not only her. former mississippi governor hailey barbour, who i do think is smart when he's briefing on