a purity crusade within the party. that means the anything who wreaks of the establishment, anyone who voted for t.a.r.p., cannot win a republican primary. so that directly and indirectly affected what happened last night. the direct impact is pretty obviously. you can see it in indiana and missouri. you had two candidates who would have the no won republican primaries in the pre-obama era. they won republican primaries, behaved like fringe candidates, and scared off fringe voters. but the indirect impact is seeing candidates like mourdock and akin and back in 2010, sharron angle start winning these primaries, it told candidates who would be strong republican candidates, the party can't deliver me the nomination, and made them sit on the sidelines. or took candidates who would be strong candidates and decided to run anyway and made them weak candidates. a good example was tommy thompson in wisconsin. should be the dream nominee. but to make sure the republican party base didn't revolt against him, he and went told the tea party group this year he wanted to phase out medicare. well, it was taped, popped up in the general election, you lose because of that.