2016 if obama is re-elected. >> back to the bushes for a moment. jeb bush. let's see. if mitt romney doesn't win, jeb might go for it. jeb bush was out defending his brother on the campaign trail yesterday. here it is. >> president obama was dealt a tough hand. we were told that. we hear this every day almost if you watch tv. you know, and, of course, it's my brother's fault for everything that goes on. it's almost as though the dog ate my homework is the reason why we're going through tough times. >> what are your thoughts on that, michael? >> well, of course, that's what he's going to say, but the fact of the matter is that the financial crisis that we got into was george bush's fault. it was the republican party's fault. sure you can trace some things back to clinton, the deregulation of glass steagall in 1999/2000, but nobody was watching the henhouse when the banks were doing what they were doing under bush. so it is true. if anything, ed, if anything, i believe that the democrats