right? we're looking at 11:00 a.m. local time. about three hours ago. 11:00 a.m., this is when families start to go out and start to shop. describe how busy from what you understand the mall was at that time? >> it is a very large shopping center. and it should be noted that the spa is not in the mall. it is adjacent to the mall. but when we say mall -- >> do you mean across the street? >> yes. when we say mall, it is not just one building. this is a place where there are many, many buildings and it has, it's a huge shopping center. it's very crowded over the weekend. and initially that's why it was such a big deal to have the entire brookfield square mall area shut down. an interesting thing that we've been hearing from witnesses is that the mall was not lock down immediately. because again authorities were trying to determine exactly what they had here. >> do you know hows that reacted