the president obama's proposal that would provide teammate to small businesses that are ad -- tax relief to small businesses that are adding employees to their payroll, it's additional to add employees. the president's proposal helps in that direction. the spir bill that we reauthorized under president obama's leadership will help small companies in the -- the tech fields. yes, i think this are -- and particularly helping them with the regulatory issues. you know, we removed that 1099 reporting requirement. the smaller companies particularly said that would have been overly burdensome on the health reform bills for under ten. there's no additional burdens under the affordable care act. yet they can take advantage of credits if they do provide benefit for their employee. we are mindful of the small companies. >> so senator, i want to ask you -- we're asking a lot of people on the show and in the country over the next couple of months, do you feel small businesses are pert off now than they were four