when he was one of the featured speakers and also steve klein, a local insurance man who has written and railed about islam for years, and some of the same language and exploring some of the same themes that appeared in the actual dialogue that was dubbed over that made that video so toxic when it went viral. free speech, free speech. this man nakoula was not arrested because of his role in the film. only because he might have uploaded, and therefore as you said, violated his probation. but free speech has consequences, as has been seen so many times over the years. you can't yell fire in a crowded theater and these three men allegedly yelled fire in a very crowded theater. the theater of the internet, that had over a billion muslims worldwide and we've seen the consequences of that around the world. the two other men nasrala and steve klein are hiding at this moment. this man is only speaking to the sheriff's department and he's doing so voluntarily to see if there's been a probation violation for his bank fraud conviction. >> how legitimate are the threats on their lives?