>> yeah. right now because mitt romney refuses to tell us much about his own beliefs or his own policies or what he wants to do, we really can only judge him by the company that he keeps, and this is a pretty striking example of him keeping fairly bad company. it's not the only one, by any means, and i actually just want to add that there's lots of weird conspiracy theories out there that the right wing has about obama. maybe there's something about coins? like i know they think they wants to take their golf courses away. that's legit conspiracy theory i read. maybe there's a coin thing. i don't know. >> jonathan, is there a coin thing? >> not that i have heard. i'll run back and see if anyone has any plans they want to slip me about taking god off coins. >> jonathan, what is your reaction to a presidential nominee sharing the stage with a man who says in response to someone who is concerned about marital difficulties that they're having, that the individual should consider changing religions so that they