there that claim to be undecided? >> i think on the topic of the economy, it will be what they say in the debates when they're not on stage with their families, when there's no balloons dropping, they're not surrounded by the faithful and have to get to the mete of the argument side by side. if mitt romney can't be convincing that he can rescue this economy, president obama may look more competent. he may look like a commander in chief, someone they have more confidence on many different issues. if we have more job reports continuing to disappoint and mitt romney really next to the president of the united states looks like someone with better ideas is going to fix this, then in the final weeks he could make the sale and win. >> what are those better ideas? you cannot say you have them and not present them, and i think that's what i hear from a lot of people as well who are those undecideds that i still wonder how undecided they are. nefrlgs, michael, i love you because you talk to people all day long on your radio show. what's the most common thing you hear right now, especially