man if he's employing morons like this. >> i want everybody watching this broadcast to see her words in writing to make sure it sinks in with all of us, including me. ann coulter said, there's no point in you, sean hannity, doing your show. there's no point in going to the convention and pushing for this man, meaning mitt romney, if he's employing morons like this. i guess the only morons tell the truth, right? but even mitt romney is starting to talk up his health care record on the stump. >> we've got to do some reforms in health care, and i have some experience doing that, as you know. >> this is why the joe soptic ad has republicans absolutely scrambling. it puts the gop in unfamiliar territory and drives home a very vital point about the middle class in this country. put yourself for a moment in joe soptic's shoes, the soptic family. with affordable health care coverage, his wife would have had a fighting chance. this is a kitchen table issue