herself here in the uk. obviously, she's up against some big uk swimmers as well. and so it -- you know, the fact that they are cheering for one of their own here and to have missy franklin come in and win the races and sort of do it so graciously is a real feather in her cap when it comes to the london games. >> i agree. she goes back to high school in a couple of weeks. imagine the story and show and tell she has. kevin tibbles. thanks so much. >> ryan lochte celebrating his 28th birthday weekend. he's got two golds and two silvers and bronze medal. not too shabby. i got to talk to him one on one. he works out with 850 pound tires and 525-pound boat chains. he says it gives him a competitive edge. >> i definitely go about things differently. i want to say i'm probably the only swimmer i the world that