disclosed? in this case, these are people giving money because they want something in return. mitt romney put out a tax proposal recently that rewards companies for sending american jobs overseas. we're not talking about what he did in the past. we're talk about his current proposals, reward company, and you see sheldon adelson making the money overseas and we're talking about billions in tax returns that makes a $5 million check to them just a good investment, and the politicians and what they expect to get from them in return and the middle class will get stuck with the bill. >> do you think today that the republicans probably lived up to a promise? i can imagine these people going to these billionaires saying, look, give us a bunch of money. you're never going to have your name put on it. there's going to be no disclosure of any of this at all. was this a payback vote? >> these are republicans that just ten years ago were saying all we need is disclosure and that's enough to let people decide from that. we don't need caps. they won that decision in a bad