says there's hostility between us. i don't feel that. you know, i understand he's asking questions. i'm trying to respond as best i can. i'm not feeling hostile at all. i'm pretty calm. i'm okay. >> thank god for calm, black men. here's part of the justice department's official response. "chairman issa's latest maneuver is unfortunate and unwarranted, particularly given the ongoing discussions. from the beginning, chairman issa has distorted the facts, ignored testimony and flung inaccurate accusations at the attorney general and others. and this latest move fits within that tired political playbook." let's turn to eleanor holmes norton, congresswoman from the district of columbia and another georgetown colleague on the house oversight committee. congresswoman, eleanor holmes norton, thank you for coming on. >> of course. good to be with you. >> the ranking democrat on your committee, elijah cummings, said, "holding someone in contempt of congress is one of the most serious and formal actions our committee can take and it should not be used as a political tool to generate press as part of an election year witch hunt against the obama administration."