can use in order to get their pay lined up. it's also an incentive to employers to do the right thing and to treat their people fair and pay the equal wage that is required by law. >> lilly ledbetter is the author of "grace and grit, my fight for equal pay fairness at goodyear and beyond." i have to admit, i recommend both as a story about this policy, but both as a moving and good read. thank you again for being here tonight. it's an honor to have you here. >> thank you, rachel. thank you for all you do. >> thank you. to be clear, governor romney, we tried to nail him down on this subject today. his campaign will say he supports the concept of pay equity, but they will not, will not, say whether mitt romney actually supports this legislation. that is, i think, important right now as senators decide what they will vote on this bill tomorrow. it will become particularly important tomorrow once we see

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