the mess. who cares about massachusetts 20 years ago? >> do you agree with chris on that? >> it's not beneath him. he needs to define mitt romney and say his ideas on the economy are not going to help us. but the president needs to come out with a bold plan on the economy, on jobs. the stimulus is not that popular these days. who cares. interest rates are historic lows. we can basically borrow money at zero interest rates. take that money, spends it roads, bridges. you can do any number of things and start creatinging jobs and get the economy moving. he needs a plan and people need to feel he understands their pain and is going to change it. he's not doing that. >> we look at the playing field now and the polls, which were pace basically a dead heat. you wrote this great article, if you look at the major battleground states, it's kind of a different story in places like ohio, where sectors of man