is one big difference between private equity and public equity, when companies didn't do well, democrats are pointing out bain and its partners still made a lot of money that it wasn't the case when you have something like the stimulus president obama, democrats weren't making money though those firms like solyndra went belly under. >> web ads for people to see. mitt romney went on the attack during the campaign appearance, the stump in the key swing state of colorado. take a look at this. >> i want our government to support small business, middle size business, big business. i want jobs. i want government that's an ally of business, not an enemy of business. >> the romney campaign is telling our team it's message is that president obama is quote hostile to job creators. so -- >> that -- that's the narrative they want to cast and honestly, that is a narrative that's been out there, whether even though it's debunked by a lot of people over the past 3 1/2 years romney