got. no more conversion of ordinary income into capital gains. >> this is not an easy thing, mayor. the idea of tax reform, fundamentally changing. this is where the president's been criticized. why didn't he try to do that. it might be an easier bipartisan thing to fix than some of these other areas. >> i think the president is looking forward to a bipartisan plan. the problem with the election we're frozen looking at this year and we're not realizing the deep trench ourmy was put in the first place. the first time in the history of humanity we went to two wars without figures out a way to pay for them. a global economy in decline and had to bail out banks and bail out auto industry. there's a tremendous amount of cleanup that we had to do to the economy to get it back on track where we've had about 20, 25 months of straight economic growth. it's just hard to say we're going to clean up our problem in four years. it's hard to judge somebody on 2012 when we really should look at the totality of the problems within our nation and within our economy. >> governor romney is looking at the totality of the problems under this first administration