the punch line. what did you think of the president's performance. >> i thought he was a lot funnier than jimmy kimmel. did he a great job, he must have better writers. >> who writes those? does he have to bring in comedic writers? >> i think it's all inside stuff. >> apparently everybody submits, people in the president's orbit, white house staffers, people on the outside, submit their one-liners and they go through and see which ones are the funniest. >> i thought the funniest line of jokes with the president was about the dog stuff. because the republican national committee last week was making fun of the president because from his first book, he talked about how he ate dog meat in indonesia. so the republicans made hay about that all last week and the president got down to that level and was joking about that. i thought that was hysterical. >> what an honor to have your one-liner jokes. they're great, because they're all so inside and timely and they're so perfectly woven together. that's amazing. >> his delivery was pretty good, you have to admit. he can sing, he can deliver