the head end and the back one over the foot end of the body. >> roy jeffries' body is now in the morgue and coroner lee remains in charge of it. he wants to protect roy's grieving parents and hopes to discourage them from viewing their son. >> this is after the body has been uncovered a little bit more -- >> he says he knows about the emotional and psychological damage that can happen after seeing a loved one who suffered a violent death. >> because of the week-long situation with him being in the ground, and being covered by dirt and so forth that he would not look quite the same, and that may be a little traumatic for families to have to see that. >> his advice will be to wait a day or so until the funeral home can prepare the body properly, and that's what he tells them. >> this is dr. lee, the coroner over in hardin county. first of all, i want to extend my sympathies to you for the loss of roy. have you got a moment i can talk with you right now, or is this a bad time to catch you? >> dr. lee is still a practicing