>> he puts the plan into motion choosing the mission bay bridge in san diego. >> we have a lifeguard and a boat, so we had somebody in the water. we had a lot of friends. we ended up doing this stunt. from the time the ramp was on the bridge to off the bridge it was four minutes, 30 seconds, i believe. it was pretty quick. and we were just hoping no policemen would drive by in that time. >> since what they are doing falls somewhat outside general traffic safety rules, they move quickly. >> love you brother. >> but, of course, the unforeseen obstacles are the one that is complicate things. in this case, it is something called speed wobbles. >> speed wobbles are when your board is not adjusted properly. maybe your settings are a little too loose and you are not prepared for speed or your weight is distributed unequally. in this case, the rope pulled me forward and off of my access and somewhat off balance, so when i hit the ramp i was still in get rid of speed wobble road then