and some of the conditions that they would like to ensure their safety. >> you know, i can tell you, ooze a parent myself, my student is in preschool right now and he's about to go to kindergarten in the fall. my five-year-old, first child about to head off to kinder garden. this story has really gotten to me. i've been a reporter for the last 14 years, and i was in my second year of radio when columbine happened and remembering not being as emotional attached as i am now. so i can only imagine what heightened awareness this is going to be for parents everywhere now. >> it really is a hardened reality of our times. wtam reporter laurie. we want to go to jonathan sylack. i believe, jonathan, you were in the cafeteria a tea the time the shooting started. explain what you remember from this morning. >> well, i wasn't necessarily in