confirmation as to what was said. i haven't looked any further into what was tweeted, exactly. >> and for the school itself, we're hearing that teachers acted pretty quickly. the training that they've had there to make sure that they were able to protect the other students that were in class at the time. >> yes, we're hearing that they do have lockdown drills to go through this very situation. and parents were saying it was very organized inside the school when they went to pick up their students. that the geauga county emergency management system has handled this to the best of their abilities. and that it was all handled as best as they could. >> laurie, my colleague who's joining me earlier, talking about her own personal experiences, having family that lived in the town of chardon describing it as a quiet suburb, 30 miles outside of cleveland. what is this going to do to the community and how they think about when they send their kids to school? back to school.