takes. we're going to find her. >> it's an amazing story and of course it's all true but the ad is recycled and it's nearly identical to the one the romney campaign aired in 2007 except for this one small difference. >> i'm mitt romney and i approved this message. >> restore our fufrp your is responsible for the content of this message. >> now of course by law campaigns and super pacs are not allowed to coordinate and in a statement to nbc restore our future treasurer charlie spy said, quote, we purchased the rights to the footage from its owner cold harbor films which did not entail interacting with the romney campaign 2008. now that's all factually correct. that's all following the letter of the law. of course the question is, is it following the spirit of the law? but let's talk more about the ad itself. we have questions that go beyond this issue of the blurring of the lines of super pacs and campaigns. one, why is the super pac running a positive ad? two, why isn't the campaign running this spot and why didn't they do it sooner?