regardless of the outcome tonight, this race is going on and newt gingrich is ahead in the polls nationally right now as we speak and one other thing, i know it might not be popular to say on your network but the fact is that george soros this weekend said there wouldn't be much difference if romney were elected than if obama were president but a huge difference if newt gingrich were and newt gingrich is the shakeup artist and i think that's not going to serve romney well among the base of the party in the many, many states that come after this especially super tuesday and the tuesday after that. >> it is lawrence o'donnell here. i know many in our audience are saying where have i seen that guy before and i just want to remind them that you were one of the house prosecutors in the impeachment of president clinton. and you have a candidate their supporting, newt gingrich, who helped you lead that prosecution in the house. and he has apologized for things he's done in his past, sins, mistakes he has made. he has, in many ways, a difficult pass to drag through a political campaign as we have